Saturday, October 31, 2015

Erős vár a mi Istenünk

Reformation Day:
the day where I am constantly humming the familiar tune of "A Mighty Fortress is Our God"

The first time I heard this hymn sung in Hungarian, I was sitting in the high school music room with a room full of choir students. My inner dialogue was as follows: 

Yes! I know this one!

Oh wait... what? Maybe it isn't the hymn...

Yes it is! There are just fewer notes... you know, to fit the language... duh.

This realization sent my heart soaring. This hymn written by Martin Luther (originally German "Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott") has been translated into numerous languages and sung all around the world. Even if you do not follow the Lutheran or Protestant tradition, it is likely you have heard this tune, as it's melody has inspired compositions by some of the world's most widely known composers, including Johann Sebastian Bach, Felix Mendelssohn, and Claude Debussy. 

If you are unfamiliar with this melody, have a listen to this arrangement sung by the St. Olaf Choir. Happy Reformation Day and enjoy!

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