Sunday, December 20, 2015

During our Advent retreat, the YAGM Hungary group joined with other young adults for a workshop with Phiren Amenca. The poem below serves as my response to the world and to myself.

we live in a world that moves
in a fast paced society
with little regard for community
connection is being destroyed
souls emptied
of what once was considered

when hate crimes go
without consequence
without regard
for another community
in the name of what
is claimed to be “right”

when men and women lay on the street
giving up their dignity
being vulnerable
relying on a society that refuses to look
beyond their rose colored glasses
and see the people
crying for help
for someone to see
someone to respond

Break my heart.
so I can see
beyond the barriers
beyond the walls
beyond the words
and into the eyes
of what is so blatantly
staring me in the face

Let me forget
what is “right”
what is “wrong”
and instead remember
what a life is worth
daring to step out
of the conforming society
and search for that spark
of love
and light
buried deep within
my heart.

Copyright © 2015 [Aliyah Richling]