I am very excited (yet equally terrified) to share that I have accepted an invitation to work with Young Adults in Global Mission (through the ELCA) and have been placed in Central Europe. I will be leaving mid-August and will be spending the 2015/2016 year in Hungary! This may be a surprise to many of you but know that through prayer and conversation with God, I am fully certain that He is asking me to take this rather large leap of faith and walk with Him as He calls me to a year of service abroad.
There are many ways to support me during my time in Hungary. Support looks like unceasing prayer, relentless love, letters and messages from home (aka. you!), constant encouragement, and generous financial support. I encourage you to show your support in any way you can, and I look forward to sharing this adventure with each of you!
It costs only $11,000 to provide one young adult missionary with training, airfare, a small living allowance, health insurance, and simple room and board for a year. That’s just $30 a day to invest in empowering me during this year of life-changing global service. I am being asked to raise $4,000 of the total amount. Any amount of monetary support will help and I appreciate any amount you are able to give. Also remember that your donation is tax deductible. :)
There are many ways to support me during my time in Hungary. Support looks like unceasing prayer, relentless love, letters and messages from home (aka. you!), constant encouragement, and generous financial support. I encourage you to show your support in any way you can, and I look forward to sharing this adventure with each of you!
It costs only $11,000 to provide one young adult missionary with training, airfare, a small living allowance, health insurance, and simple room and board for a year. That’s just $30 a day to invest in empowering me during this year of life-changing global service. I am being asked to raise $4,000 of the total amount. Any amount of monetary support will help and I appreciate any amount you are able to give. Also remember that your donation is tax deductible. :)
To make a credit card gift, call 800-638-3522 to make a credit card donation. To specify support for me, please have the following information ready:
Aliyah Richling -- GCS3163
To give by check:
1. Make your check payable to the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
2. Fill out and include the bottom portion of the form included with this letter
3. Send your donation and completed form to:
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
ELCA Gift Processing Center
PO Box 1809
Merrifield, VA 22116-8809
Every bit of support counts. Thank you in advance. The support you give will go along way in making this the most transformational year of my life to date.
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